Somewhere behind me a mysterious woman is approaching. I know this because the storyteller is pointing there and in her eyes I can almost see the reflection of the strange woman dressed all in black. I sneak a look behind my shoulder and see the hallway to the kitchen, but when I look back at the storyteller I see the dusty street of a small town in Virginia. There, the sun is setting and I can see the dust glint particles of light as Anna (which happens to be my name too) sits on her stoop and watches the woman slowly approach. My heart beats a little faster and the room becomes quieter. All of us are with Anna on the stoop, waiting for the storyteller’s next word to lead us further into this mystery.
The ability of the storyteller to live the story,
allows the listeners to live the story as well.
Other forms of storytelling including movies, TV, and videogames do not
allow us to live the story in the same way because they do not allow us to imagine
or visualize. A book may allow us to
imagine the characters and setting, but we most often do not read books in
groups. More importantly, the characters
in a movie or book can’t respond to our response. Great storytellers work with and respond to the audience to breathe a story to life. The
story is happening all around us and we—the listeners— are a part of the story
as much as the storyteller is. There’s a
tremendous power in the ability of people to imagine the same thing but imagine
it differently and share in the experience.
When we listen to a story we all share in the experience of the
characters and find different aspects of their experience that ring true with
our own. Our responses subtly show these
truths and a storyteller who is sensitive to these cues is able to draw these
truths out even more.
All of our experience is rooted in story. I often wonder, would we remember an event if
we did not tell the story of how it happened?
Even when we do remember an event, another person might remember it
differently, or the memory of an event might change over time. Without story, would we know how the event
happened or if it happened at all? Story
both grounds us in our own experience and allows us to imagine and live the
experiences of others.
No other art
form allows us to understand one another more than storytelling. That night,
listening to Susan’s story, I was Anna in Virginia facing a past I didn’t know could
haunt me—we all were.
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